A woman is like a TEA BAG - you never know how strong she is until she gets into HOT WATER. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, May 6

Put the SEAT DOWN!

We have a great team of cleaners at work. The bathrooms are cleaned at least twice a day.  With that being said, the seat up ...

is Ms. Cleaning Lady's signature sign that this toilet has been completely disinfected... even in the ladies restroom!  Am I the only one that has a problem with this picture? 

Now, I am sure you men out there see nothing wrong (and everything right) with this, correct?  The seat is already up, in perfect position for you to do your "business" and you don't even have to bend down.  The hard work is already done for you. 

You like to be spoon fed, don't ya? 

But for married women everywhere, especially those with small boys at home, this is the ultimate vestige of the neverending war  - one that should not have to be fought at the office and in the ladies room of all places!

Ms. Cleaning Lady is so nice, I don't have the heart to tell her that she is jabbing that knife a little bit deeper with each upturned seat. 

Ms. Cleaning Lady, surely you know our pain ...

Surely you have a Mr. Cleaning Lady at home, right? 

And he leaves the seat up, for you to fall into with your tail feather in the middle of the night ...

So, Ms. Cleaning Lady ... nice Ms. Cleaning Lady ... for women everywhere, put that seat down! 

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